For aging skin, dermatologists like to prescribe tretinoin.
Tretinoin cream COMPOUND has an expiry date of 30 days and the COMPOUND ointment is good for 90 days. It has to do with the compounding rules in North America.
What Is Tretinoin?
Tretinoin is a topical retinoid, meaning it is a medication that is derived from vitamin A.
The first retinoid – tretinoin – was FDA approved (under the brand name Retin-A) in 1971 as a prescription acne treatment. Dermatologists soon noticed that patients on Retin-A experienced not just clearer skin but also softer, brighter, and less-lined skin.
Tretinoin was also the first retinoid approved by the FDA to treat wrinkles. Now it is a medication used to treat acne, sun-damaged skin, fine winkles, and age spots.
Retin-A is not the only prescription medication that utilizes tretinoin as the active ingredient. Other brands that contain tretinoin include: Retin-A Micro, Renova, Stieva A Cream, Atralin, Avita.
Tretinoin is available in different strengths (0.01%, 0.025%, 0.05%, 0.1%) and formulations (gel, microgel, cream, solution, and ointment).
Compare prices between brand name Retin-A and generic Retin-A and see the cost savings!
How Does Tretinoin Work?
It may sound counterintuitive, but tretinoin works by irritating the skin, prompting surface skin cells to turn over and die rapidly, making way for new cell growth underneath. It hampers the breakdown of collagen and thickens the deeper layer of skin where wrinkles get their start.
Studies show that topical tretinoin can lighten age spots, making them less visible. However, tretinoin not only lightens age spots, but the results can continue for months after patients stop actively using tretinoin.
What Is the Difference Between a Cream and an Ointment?
Min Ko, PharmD from REML specialty hospital, shared useful information about the difference between a cream and an ointment.
A cream is a preparation of a medication for topical use that contains a water base. It is a preparation of oil in water.
An ointment is a preparation of a medication for topical use that contains an oil base. It is a preparation of water in oil.
While ointments have a higher concentration of oil, creams have a higher concentration of water. Creams work better on larger areas of the skin because of their “spread ability” factor, compared to ointments. Ointments work better on dry skin conditions. If you need to moisturize the skin, an ointment is a better choice.
If you need a medication to penetrate deep into the skin, an ointment is a better choice as well, because they tend to stay on the skin much longer and creams will dry out before getting fully absorbed into the skin tissue.
What Should I Know with The Compound Tretinoin Ointment?
If you are using prescription tretinoin, use it exactly as your doctor prescribed. You should also ask your doctor about other medications you use on your skin, and if they safe to continue using.
Avoid sun exposure, especially between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., when the sun’s rays are most intense. Wear sunblock or sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher, and cover exposed skin with protective clothing
The ointment base may absorb better with gentle massaging into the area.
Where to Buy Compound Tretinoin Ointment?
All tretinoin products are available by prescription only in the United States, meaning you will need to talk to your doctor before being able to buy tretinoin cream in any concentration.
Once you get a prescription, you can buy tretinoin from your local community pharmacies. However, tretinoin medication are also available from Canadian mail order pharmacies.
Cheapomeds.com carries safe and affordable tretinoin medications, including both manufactured standard commercial products and compounded ointment.
Compare Prices Between Tretinoin Cream and Compound Ointment and See the Cost Savings!
Did you know the difference between tretinoin and retinol, or how to start with tretinoin?
Please follow our website, the following articles will let you know more on tretinoin medications.
- rmlspecialtyhospital.org
- webmd.com
- healthline.com
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